In 1994 the first weighbridge was put into operation. The current weighbridge is 3 metres in width and 18 metres in length. The maximum capacity is 70 tonnes. The total weight on the bridge is rounded off to 20 kilos.
Fresh cup of coffee
There is always a fresh cup of coffee ready for drivers during office hours (7:30 am – 5:00 pm). After weighing, the data is immediately available. The weight data will be provided on print and/or sent by email.
Outside office hours
Our modern weighbridge can be used 24/7. Outside our office hours we offer the possibility to use the weighbridge yourself. The weight data will then be provided by email.
Didn’t receive an email?
Didn’t receive the weight data by email? Please send us an email and we will send the data.

You can weigh anything
We see some of the most unexpected things come by on our weighbridge. Cows, chickens, caravans, manure, clothing, fruit juice, wood, the list goes on.